Dessert pairing for 14-year old whisky

Scotch raspberry and dark chocolate chilli tart
with a clotted cream ice cream
This is a dessert recipe from the Tomatin Distillery that is visited on the Whisky Trail cruise aboard both Scottish Hotel Barges Spirit of Scotland and Scottish Highlander.
Pastry case
  • 250g of plain flour
  • 100g of icing sugar
  • 35g ground almonds
  • 125g of unsalted butter, plus more for greasing
  • 1 egg
  • 1 egg yolk
Chocolate and chilli filling
  • 400g of 70% dark chocolate, roughly chopped
  • 350ml of double cream
  • 3/4 tsp chilli flakes
  • 150ml of milk
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  1. To begin the chocolate tart, prepare the pastry case. In a mixing bowl, crumb the flour, icing sugar, ground almonds and butter together.
  2. Add the egg and blend together, handling as little as possible, until just mixed. Wrap in cling film and rest the pastry in the fridge for 1 hour.
  3. To begin the filling, heat the double cream and milk to the boil, then add the chilli flakes. Remove from the heat and leave to infuse for 1 hour
  4. Grease and line your tart ring. Roll out the pastry to 3mm thick. Push the pastry into the corners evenly and then line with baking parchment before filling with baking beads.  Blind bake at 190˚C/gas mark 5 until the pastry is lightly golden, around 10 minutes. Remove the baking beads and return to the oven in order to colour the base until the pastry is golden brown, around 10-15 minutes.
  5. After removing the pastry from the oven, use a pastry brush to glaze it with the remaining egg yolk. This will seal the case for the chocolate mixture.
  6. To make the chocolate mixture, place the chocolate in a medium-sized mixing bowl. Strain the infused chilli cream and bring back to the boil. Once boiled, pour the hot cream over the chocolate and stir until the chocolate has fully melted. Slowly add the beaten eggs and mix well.
  7. Preheat the oven to 150ºC/gas mark 2. Pour the mix into the prepared pastry case and carefully transfer to the oven. Bake until the mix is just set, approximately 15-20 minutes. Allow to cool but do not refrigerate.
  8. Served with Clotted cream ice cream & Scottish raspberries with Honeycomb spikes.
Pair this dessert with an aged, single malt Scottish whisky that you purchased on your Whisky Trail barge cruise.

Barging in Scotland

For a magical barge cruise, Scotland is hard to surpass. Travel sedately
through the Great Glen between Inverness and Fort William, navigating
beautiful lochs and the engineering masterpiece that is the Caledonian
Canal. Unforgettable experiences are offered by ancient castles perched
on the water’s edge, heather-clad hillsides and arguably the finest
inland cruising in the world. Scotland’s legends of the past, the taste
of single malt and the mythical inhabitant of Loch Ness all contribute
to a magical charm only experienced in the dramatic Highlands.

Scottish Hotel Barges


Scottish Highlander

Spirit Of Scotland


Contact Paradise Connections Yacht Charters to book your barge trip
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