Barging Burgundy: Discover French Wine and Mustard

French Wine & Mustard from Burgundy

Easily accessible by the Canal de Bourgogne, the cities of Dijon and Chablis are renowned worldwide for their signature offerings – unmatched mustard and incredible premier cru and grand cru wine.

Dijon’s Magnificent Mustard

In the Middle Ages, the Romans introduced growing mustard to Dijon and the crop flourished in the area. They soon fashioned their own recipe by grinding the seeds and vinegar together. While this is a far cry from the popular sauce we know and use today, it was how the condiment first originated in the area.

This method was described by early modern period cookery writer Robert May:

“Have good seed, pick it and wash it in cold water, drain it and rub it dry in a cloth very clean; then beat it in a mortar with strong wine-vinegar; and being fine beaten, strain it and keep it close covered. Or grind it in a mustard quern or a bowl with a cannon bullet.”

Eventually local Jean Naigeon perfected the recipe by replacing the vinegar with verjuice, the sour juice of unripe grapes, which is the taste we recognise today.

Chablis’ Wonderful Wine

The heritage winery that best defines the region’s passion for
wine-making is the Domaine Laroche. Its stunning vineyard is great for a
relaxing walk through the fresh greenery. While touring their cellars,
you can discover the secrets of the Chablis tipple through an
interesting tasting session, where you’ll experience the entire process
and learn how the wine makes its way from grape to glass.

An ideal stop
on many popular barging cruises in Burgundy,
Chablis is a must-visit haven for every wine lover.  Besides the
winery, the gorgeous sights of the vineyards themselves offer a
peaceful, rejuvenating sanctuary.

Hotel Barges in Burgundy

Taking a Burgundy barge cruise down one of the region’s canals is a
truly wonderful experience. The area boasts some of the world’s finest
wines with around 60,000 acres of sunlit vines and some of the
prettiest canals in France. The waterways wind through the heart of the
territory’s renowned vineyards, medieval towns, elegant châteaux,
magnificent cathedrals, picturesque villages and wonderful local

Art de Vivre

Belle Epoque




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